uh oh

why tho

"blog" feels a bit official for whatever this is

I have a lot of notes of thoughts, digital and paper, but there's something different about writing it in public
but also something nice about writing in a place that doesn't have to be for people to see
its not like twitter or whatever where there's constant noise and advertising and it feels like everyone's doing a big performance for the algorithm
sometimes I feel a bit self conscious that some blogs are very proper with structure and themes to the posts and sections and links

am I lazy or just generally unfinished?

i think that by writing things out I'll start to see patterns and threads of thoughts will come together. i often write ideas on paper to help myself make sense of them. the newest idea has been to chat to one of the AI chums (chatGPT, claude etc) about whatever my thoughts are. their responses might be pretty useless but they aren't judgemental and something about going through the process of thinking of and phrasing questions helps shuffle things into place